Ciemna Strona Mocy
2008-05-17, 22:05 | aktualizacja 2008-05-17, 22:05
CSM - 17 maja
po 22:00
- Luke the Skywalker
- Swędzenie Plazmy
pamietając o Tybecie
Banco de Gaia
- Kincajou (Duck! Asteroid)
- 999,999
po 23:00
- 999,999
- Discipline
- Echoplex
PJ Harvey
- Grow, grow, grow
- The Devil
- Faust Arp
Bon Iver
- Flume
- Creature fear
Cliff Martinez
- Wear your seat belt
- We don't have to think like that anymore
- Light in the sky
- Corona Radiata
PJ Harvey
- When under ether
* nowy album NIN - The Slip -
sygnały CSM:
The imperial march - John Williams
At the heart of it all - NIN/Apex Twin