Bez etykiety 133
2011-08-30, 11:08 | aktualizacja 2011-08-30, 11:08
Zaprasza Karolina Kozak.
Blindness - Metric (Fantasies, 2010)
Moves - The New Pornographers (Together, 2010)
Crash Years - The New Pornographers (Together, 2010)
Afternoon - Baxter Dury (Happy Soup, 2011)
Hotel In Brixton - Baxter Dury (Happy Soup, 2011)
Jane Says - Jane's Addiction (Jane's Addiction (Live), 1987)
Red Moon - Turin Brakes (JackInABox, 2005)
Forever - Turin Brakes (JackInABox, 2005)
Hustle - Tunng (...And Then We Saw Land, 2010)
Santiago - Tunng (...And Then We Saw Land, 2010)
Night Air - Jamie Woon (Mirrorwriting, 2011)
Hide And Seek - Imogen Heap (Speak For Yourself, 2005)
Foot In The Floor - Fink (Perfect Darkness, 2011)
Part Like Waves - Psapp (The Camel's Back, 2008)
Fix It - Psapp (The Camel's Back, 2008)
Desert Raven - Jonathan Wilson (Gentle Spirit, 2011)
Phoenix - Martina Topley-Bird (Some Place Simple, 2010)
Lying - Martina Topley-Bird (Some Place Simple, 2010)
Church And Law - When Saints Go Machine (Konkylie, 2011)
Sealegs - The Shins (Wincing The Night Away, 2007)
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